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Edward M. Anson, BA, PhD

Distinguished Professor of History

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(please click the text below for a copy of the syllabus)

Courses Taught

  • History of Civilization

  • Ancient Greece

  • Hellenistic Age

  • Roman Republic

  • Roman Empire

  • History of Ideas (Antiquity through Reformation)

  • Graduate/Undergraduate seminar on Alexander the Great

  • Graduate/Undergraduate seminar on Athenian Empire

  • Graduate/Undergraduate seminar on Roman Revolution 


Works by Edward M. Anson


                     Eumenes of Cardia: A Greek among Macedonians (E. J. Brill, 2004); second revised
edition, 2015 (E. J. Brill).




Alexander the Great: Themes and Issues (Bloomsbury Academic: 2013)






Alexander’s Heirs: The Age of the Successors (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014)






                                 Philip II, the Father of Alexander the Great: Themes and Issues (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020)




Ptolemy I (Soter): Themes and Issues (Bloomsbury Academic: 2023)





                                      After Alexander: The Time of the Diadochi (323-281 BC).  Co-editor Victor Alonso                                      Troncoso  (Oxbow Books: 2013)




                                     Affective relations and personal bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity: A Festschrift  honouring                                      the career  of  Elizabeth D. Carney.  Co-editors Frances Pownall and Monica ,              (Oxbow Books : 2021)



                     A Civilization Primer (Wadsworth Publishing, 2001 [5 th ed.], 1998, 1993, 1988, 1983);
                                   nominated for the 1991 American Historical Association’s James Harvey Robinson Prize for                               the  teaching aid that has made the most outstanding contribution to the teaching and learning of history.






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A Companion whose contributions come from an outstanding array of experts dealing exclusively with the Military Campaigns of Phillip II and his son, Alexander the Great. Chapters are devoted to logistics, military recruitment and training, medical care, military organization, allies, propaganda, service conditions, sieges, officers, leadership, women, violence and much more.

A Brief History of Civilization to 1600 (McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2008 [5 th ed.], 2004, 2003, 1998, 1996) with James Miller. Continually revised since 2015, when it was placed online and given free to enrolled students.

​Selected Articles and Book Chapters

  • “We Are The Champions”: The Underlying Reality of Ancient War.” In Brill’s Companion to the Campaigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great. Anson (ed.) 2024.

  • “Modern Military Terminology and Ancient Practices.” In Brill’s Companion to the Campaigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great. Anson (ed.) 2024.

  • “To the Ends of the World: What the Campaign Was All About?” In The Cambridge Companion to Alexander the Great. Cambridge University Press. 2024.​

  • “The Foundation of Alexandria.” International Journal of Military History and

         Historiography. Advance online publication. 2021: 1-23; 2022 vol. 42: 300-322.


  • “Alexander the Great: A Life Lived as Legend,” in Alexander the Great and Propaganda. Taylor

        and Francis. London. 2021.


  • “Philip and Alexander and the Nature of Their Personal Kingship,” In The Courts of Philip II and Alexander the Great: Monarchy and Power in Ancient Macedonia. De Gruyter Academic Publishers, 2021 17-31.


  • “Hellenistic Warfare.” Wiley/Blackwell’s Companion to Greek Warfare. Wiley/Blackwell. 2021:



  • “The Father of the Army: Alexander and the Epigoni,” in Affective relations and personal bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity: A Festschrift honouring the career of Elizabeth D. Carney. Oxbow.  2020.


  • “Ptolemy and the Destruction of the First Regency,” in Ptolemy Soter: A Self-Made Man, Oxbow Books. 2018: 21-35.

  • “Fortress Egypt: The Abortive Invasions of 320 and 306 B.C.” In Alexander’s Legacy. Bearzot, C, Landucci, F. (eds.). L’erma di Bretschneider. Rome. 2016: 85-96. Appeared in 2017.


  • “Philip’s Ambitions.” in Hetairideia: Studies in Honor of W. Lindsay Adams on the Occasion of

        His Retirement. Ares Publishers, Chicago, 2016: 19-30.


  • “Alexander at the Beas.” In East and West in the Empire of Alexander: Essays in Honour of Brian Bosworth. Baynham, E., and Wheatley, P. eds. Oxford University Press. Oxford, 2015: 65-74


  • “‘Shock and Awe’” à la Alexander the Great.” In The Many Faces of War in the Ancient World. Heckel, W., Müller, S., Wrightson, eds. Cambridge Scholars Press. 2015: 215-235.


  • “Counter-Insurgency: The Lessons of Alexander the Great,” in Greece, Macedon, and Persia: Studies in Social, Political and Military History, A Festschrift honoring Waldemar Heckel, T. Howe, G. Wrightson, and E. Garvin, editors, Oxbow Books, 2015: 94-106.


  • “Discrimination and Eumenes of Kardia Revisited,” in The Age of the Successors. H. Hauben and A. Meeus (eds.). 2014. Peeters Academic Publishers: Leuven, Belgium, 2015; 539-58.


  • “The Macedonian Patriot: The Diadoch Craterus.” in The Ancient History Bulletin 26 (2013): 49-58.


  • “Greek Ethnicity and the Greek Language,” Glotta. Zeitschrift für griechische und lateinische Sprache. 85 (2009): 5-30


  • “The Asthetairoi: Macedonia’s Hoplites,” in Philip II and Alexander III: Father, Son and Dunasteia, Carney, E., and Ogden, D. (eds/). Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 2010: 81-90


  • “The Introduction of the Sarisa in Macedonian Warfare,” Ancient Society. 2010: 51-68.


  • “Dating the Deaths of Eumenes and Olympias,” Ancient History Bulletin 20 (2006) pages 1-9.


  • “Idumaean Ostraca and Early Hellenistic Chronology,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 125 (2005) 263-266


  • “A Note on the First Regnal Year of Philip III (Arhidaeus),” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 57 (2005) 127-29


  • “Philip II, Amyntas Perdicca, and Macedonian Royal Succession,” Historia: Zeitschrift fur late Geschichte 58 (2009) 276-86.


  • “Philip II and the Creation of the Macedonian Pezhetairoi,” in Alexander in the Antipodes, ed. by Pat Wheatley and Robert Hannah (Regina Books: Claremont, CA, 2009) 88-98.


  • “Macedonian Judicial Assemblies,” Classical Philology 103 (2) (2008) 135-149.

Selected Encyclopedia Articles

  • “Eumenes of Cardia,” “Epitropos,” “Ephemerides,” and “The Army Assembly,” for The Lexicon of Argead Macedonia. Franke and Timme 2019


  • “Hellenistic Warfare,” for Wiley-Blackwell’s Companion to Greek Warfare. 2019

  • “The Rise of Macedon, 359–336 BC,” The Encyclopedia of Ancient Battles. Wiley-Blackwell. 2017: 480-495


  • “The Wars of the Successors, 323–281 BC,” The Encyclopedia of Ancient Battles. Wiley-Blackwell. 2017: 584-604


  • “Eumenes of Cardia,” Online Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell. 2010

  • "Brill's Companion to the Campaigns of Phillip II and Alexander the Great".  Brill Publishing. Edward Anson 2024

University of Arkansas at Little Rock - Department of History


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