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Edward M. Anson, BA, PhD

Distinguished Professor of History

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(please click the text below for a copy of the syllabus)

Courses Taught

  • History of Civilization

  • Ancient Greece

  • Hellenistic Age

  • Roman Republic

  • Roman Empire

  • History of Ideas (Antiquity through Reformation)

  • Graduate/Undergraduate seminar on Alexander the Great

  • Graduate/Undergraduate seminar on Athenian Empire

  • Graduate/Undergraduate seminar on Roman Revolution 


Works by Edward M. Anson

                     Eumenes of Cardia: A Greek among Macedonians (E. J. Brill, 2004); second revised
edition, 2015 (E. J. Brill).




Alexander the Great: Themes and Issues (Bloomsbury Academic: 2013)


Alexander’s Heirs: The Age of the Successors (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014)

                                 Philip II, the Father of Alexander the Great: Themes and Issues (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020)

Ptolemy I (Soter): Themes and Issues (Bloomsbury Academic: 2023)


                                      After Alexander: The Time of the Diadochi (323-281 BC).  Co-editor Victor Alonso                                      Troncoso  (Oxbow Books: 2013)

                                     Affective relations and personal bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity: A Festschrift  honouring                                      the career  of  Elizabeth D. Carney.  Co-editors Frances Pownall and Monica ,              (Oxbow Books : 2021)



                     A Civilization Primer (Wadsworth Publishing, 2001 [5 th ed.], 1998, 1993, 1988, 1983);
                                   nominated for the 1991 American Historical Association’s James Harvey Robinson Prize for                               the  teaching aid that has made the most outstanding contribution to the teaching and learning of history.




                                  A Brief History of Civilization to 1600 (McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2008 [5 th ed.], 2004,
                                 2003, 1998, 1996) with James Miller. Continually revised since 2015, when it was placed online and given free to enrolled students.

Selected Articles and Book Chapters

  • “The Foundation of Alexandria.” International Journal of Military History and

         Historiography. Advance online publication. 2021: 1-23; 2022 vol. 42: 300-322.


  • “Alexander the Great: A Life Lived as Legend,” in Alexander the Great and Propaganda. Taylor

        and Francis. London. 2021.


  • “Philip and Alexander and the Nature of Their Personal Kingship,” In The Courts of Philip II and Alexander the Great: Monarchy and Power in Ancient Macedonia. De Gruyter Academic Publishers, 2021 17-31.


  • “Hellenistic Warfare.” Wiley/Blackwell’s Companion to Greek Warfare. Wiley/Blackwell. 2021:



  • “The Father of the Army: Alexander and the Epigoni,” in Affective relations and personal bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity: A Festschrift honouring the career of Elizabeth D. Carney. Oxbow.  2020.

  • “Ptolemy and the Destruction of the First Regency,” in Ptolemy Soter: A Self-Made Man, Oxbow Books. 2018: 21-35.

  • “Fortress Egypt: The Abortive Invasions of 320 and 306 B.C.” In Alexander’s Legacy. Bearzot, C, Landucci, F. (eds.). L’erma di Bretschneider. Rome. 2016: 85-96. Appeared in 2017.


  • “Philip’s Ambitions.” in Hetairideia: Studies in Honor of W. Lindsay Adams on the Occasion of

        His Retirement. Ares Publishers, Chicago, 2016: 19-30.


  • “Alexander at the Beas.” In East and West in the Empire of Alexander: Essays in Honour of Brian Bosworth. Baynham, E., and Wheatley, P. eds. Oxford University Press. Oxford, 2015: 65-74


  • “‘Shock and Awe’” à la Alexander the Great.” In The Many Faces of War in the Ancient World. Heckel, W., Müller, S., Wrightson, eds. Cambridge Scholars Press. 2015: 215-235.


  • “Counter-Insurgency: The Lessons of Alexander the Great,” in Greece, Macedon, and Persia: Studies in Social, Political and Military History, A Festschrift honoring Waldemar Heckel, T. Howe, G. Wrightson, and E. Garvin, editors, Oxbow Books, 2015: 94-106.


  • “Discrimination and Eumenes of Kardia Revisited,” in The Age of the Successors. H. Hauben and A. Meeus (eds.). 2014. Peeters Academic Publishers: Leuven, Belgium, 2015; 539-58.


  • “The Macedonian Patriot: The Diadoch Craterus.” in The Ancient History Bulletin 26 (2013): 49-58.

  • “Greek Ethnicity and the Greek Language,” Glotta. Zeitschrift für griechische und lateinische Sprache. 85 (2009): 5-30


  • “The Asthetairoi: Macedonia’s Hoplites,” in Philip II and Alexander III: Father, Son and Dunasteia, Carney, E., and Ogden, D. (eds/). Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 2010: 81-90


  • “The Introduction of the Sarisa in Macedonian Warfare,” Ancient Society. 2010: 51-68.


  • “Dating the Deaths of Eumenes and Olympias,” Ancient History Bulletin 20 (2006) pages 1-9.


  • “Idumaean Ostraca and Early Hellenistic Chronology,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 125 (2005) 263-266


  • “A Note on the First Regnal Year of Philip III (Arhidaeus),” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 57 (2005) 127-29

  • “Philip II, Amyntas Perdicca, and Macedonian Royal Succession,” Historia: Zeitschrift fur late Geschichte 58 (2009) 276-86.


  • “Philip II and the Creation of the Macedonian Pezhetairoi,” in Alexander in the Antipodes, ed. by Pat Wheatley and Robert Hannah (Regina Books: Claremont, CA, 2009) 88-98.


  • “Macedonian Judicial Assemblies,” Classical Philology 103 (2) (2008) 135-149.

Selected Encyclopedia Articles

  • “Eumenes of Cardia,” “Epitropos,” “Ephemerides,” and “The Army Assembly,” for The Lexicon of Argead Macedonia. Franke and Timme 2019


  • “Hellenistic Warfare,” for Wiley-Blackwell’s Companion to Greek Warfare. 2019

  • “The Rise of Macedon, 359–336 BC,” The Encyclopedia of Ancient Battles. Wiley-Blackwell. 2017: 480-495


  • “The Wars of the Successors, 323–281 BC,” The Encyclopedia of Ancient Battles. Wiley-Blackwell. 2017: 584-604


  • “Eumenes of Cardia,” Online Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell. 2010

University of Arkansas at Little Rock - Department of History


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